time traveling wonders


Claire wearing my Inner Wild capelet and sleeves in Otter shade

the sleeves take at least as long to knit as the capelet

Claire wearing one of my Inner Wild shrugs

A dear friend {hello Fi! *waving*} suggested I read Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series of books many years ago when I lived in New Zealand.

I loved them so much I couldn't bring myself to read the last book so the story, for me, would never end.

And now traveling through time, without the use of standing stones, to last year ... I didn't even know Outlander the television series was about to be filmed here in Scotland until the costume department started buying capelets, sleeves, fingerless gloves, cowls, shrugs, mens socks and boot cuffs from my Etsy shop. 

I was so excited I took a photo when I was packaging the first Etsy order to the buyer, excuse the lack of usual aesthetics:

Can you see what's here? A cable belt, River boot toppers, a pair of cable men's socks, Kitten Mitts, THE actual, original Caledonia shrug and Celtic Mitts, Dragonfly Gauntlets, Kiltie Gauntlets, Sassenach Capelet in Quartz shade and my Illustrator Cuffs in eco-wool.

All of this only interesting because the costume department created genius on Outlander.
If a fairy from the future had whispered in my ear I was working as an international freelance copywriter for Saatchis and Ogilvy et al, poncing about as an advertising creative, and reading about Jamie and Claire's adventures, yearning for my Scottish home while in Auckland, New Zealand that 15 or something years in my future my knitting would be worn by the actors in the television series --- well ... it's so stupendously mind-exploding it's made me write a ridiculously long sentence.

My cousins have sent me a few photos of Claire wearing some Inner Wild garments. These have been hand knitted by me, close, but not too close, to Hebridean standing stones.

1. Inner Wild capelet and sleeves and also this capelet. 
2. Inner Wild shrug
3. Inner Wild CelticMitts

UPDATE: thanks to the hundreds of Outlander fans who are emailing me Outlander photos of my designs and asking for patterns. I intend writing them up but am busy with my novel right now. 

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  1. How wonderful!
    I'm also excited to hear that Outlander is being filmed. I loved that series. And I love your amazing clothing.

  2. I love the books to, I bought the first one at the airport on my way to Paris. It got me over the Atlantic twice. How exciting for your work to be on film! Congratulations!

  3. I am so thrilled that they have asked you to make the hand knit items for the series! Lovely work!

  4. Congratulations Flora!! I couldn't be Happier for you and it is SO Wonderful that they found your Gorgeous Creations and are using them for the Series to truly bring an Authentic "Air" to the Costuming. SO Overjoyed for you and I ****love**** my InnerWild Creation you made, it's Stunning! xoxo

  5. I have only just discovered your blog and was very excited to see you would be creating patterns for the items you had made. I became a huge Outlander fan mid-season two and now love all things Outlander and Scotland (having Scottish heritage as well). I am very interested in getting the patterns. Do you know when they might be available?

  6. Yes, please see this older post: https://innerwild.blogspot.com/2015/05/inner-wild-knitting-patterns-now.html
    or search "Inner Wild wilderness wear for dearhearts" on amazon. Thank you!

