
pretty perceptions


I would have to say our home has become much less cluttered and more lovely just by subscribing to first of all to Leo Babauta's ZenHabits and Mnmlst daily emails as well as Decor8 and Design*Sponge.

I think images such as those above, taken from UK Country Living magazine, seep into our subconscious and pique our beauty aesthetic as we perceive the world around us.

Not that everything ought to be prettiness. We need a foil. I heard an interesting radio documentary yesterday about how the industrial and manufacturing city of Detroit is being perceived differently with many art groups springing up and using the city as a canvas.

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  1. I have that issue of Country Living!! I found that feature about 'living above the shop' so engaging and inspiring - I think there is also an article on Poppy Treffry and her gorgeous teacosies in the same issue :-)

    I'm definitely guilty of playing around with pretty things in my home more than I would have done without seeing what can be achieved!

    Jem xXx

  2. so lovely to stumble upon your little oasis of wilderness..I followed a trail...your etsy shop first which lead me to here :)aaah its like a breath of fresh air x

