
thrice crushed | vintage paint-by-numbers


I thought I would occasionally note my totem crushes / current obsessions: things I fall in love with and notice everywhere online.

I always have several and the love rush that is raging this week is vintage paint by numbers art. Paint-by-Numbers kits were most popular in the 1970's when most people happily said they had a "hobby" and you wouldn't be embarrassed to say your hobby was painting-by-numbers.

There is something sweet and heartfelt about vintage paint-by-numbers. They have an energy about them that is touching.

Sometimes given as a kit to a family member, {possibly a Collie Dog kit given to a Collie Dog person and so on, the subject were homely and familiar}. Sometimes completed and then given as a finished gift, paint by numbers were also super-relaxing to do. An almost guaranteed rewarding artistic pursuit which almost anyone could create.

Somehow the humble paint-by-numbers became a vehicle for all kinds of complex human expressions. And now they continue to be loved with their patina of vintage survival and being loved over the years, these paintings painted by families.

{dreamy, nostalgic moment}

I remember buying my mum, who passed away many years ago, a paint-by-numbers kit and I can still see her sitting painting it in the spare room smiling as she painted it. Wish I knew where that painting was now *sigh*.

Here are some on Etsy right now that maybe someone else's mother painted:
1. Vintage Paint by Numbers Buck by Retro Rubbish
2. Vintage Paint by Numbers Boxer in Gold Frame by We Have It Vintage
3. Vintage Paint by Number Oil Paintings by OtisM

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  1. woo hoo your on the front page of Etsy!! 11am UK time. Congrats Cari x

  2. oh yeah! I remember those! I think my sister and painted some ;-)

