
silken spring


A tiny moment of realization last week - silk is beautifully cool to wear on warm Spring days. It lets the skin breathe and seem to lower temperature. Wouldn't it be wonderful to create a range of cuffs and sleeves in pure, supreme quality silk yarns?

Silk is beautiful to knit, drapes gorgeously and is soft and oh so luxurious. Having knitted with pure hand dyed silk in the past I wonder what else is available. And so I order 50g of Debbie Bliss Pure 100% Silk in a light rose pink to see what it is like.

Here it has arrived in a tight skein of rose bud-like potential. Today I shall wind it into a ball around my fingers and then we shall begin a range of spring and summer cuffs and other lovelies.

a little later ...

and later still ...

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