
Love comes in all guises


I was intrigued by a particular, curious Etsy avatar. I clicked, visited the shop and WHOA! WHOA! OMG! ALERT! WHISTLES! ALARMS!

(Yes, this was just a few minutes ago so am still a bit excited.)

Look who is there in a beautiful shop called TheFiligree!

I am in love. I mean instant, smack-you-between-the-eyes, hammer-on-head, clouds-parting L-O-V-E.

Look at his face! His clothes! His face! His clothes! His style! His everything! Ain't he just IT with icing?

I love Rye Fitzalen.

*happy sigh*

So grateful to people like creator Martin Obakke {and his lovely Celena} for bringing the world such gifts (they also create a fairy newspaper!). Visit their website The Filigree.

P.S. If you like Etsy Treasuries, this is the one I first saw the avatar in, it's stunning: earth.love.magic by PamelaAngus

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