My novel, THE WILD FOLK, released from captivity today


“Nature writing with juicy bits” - John Beswick 

My novel, THE WILD FOLK, is released from captivity today. 

'Some folk are born wild. Others have wildness thrust upon them'.

You can read it here:

The paperback is due for release in August. Thank you to the reviewers John Beswick, Stella Stedman, Owen Luckey and Stacy Pond for their kind words.

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  1. How exciting!! Congrats. I have put it on my wish list on amazon and will be buying it later this week!

    1. How wonderful! Thank you so much Susan!

  2. Is it going to be in Hard Cover or Paperback or just the Digital?? I would love to read it but don't have a Kindle or other means by which to do so. Let me know if you get the chance my Beautiful Friend and I couldn't be Happier for you in Every Way!!!
    You know where to find me in Etsyland.....

    1. How darling of you, thank you Kristin!

      Digital for now and paperback later. I don’t have a Kindle either, Amazon don't publicize it well but you can read ebooks on your iPhone, desktop, any computer device using the Kindle software free from Amazon.

      You can download ‘Kindle for your Mac’ or other computer here:

      Oh, how lovely, thanks so much for your kind words!

  3. I have a nook...I'll have to wait for the print version.
    Congrats! A book, that is so cool

    1. Thank you! The print version will be out soon.

      You can read Amazon book on your Nook with a bit of fiddling around - here's a how-to link:

